Hey, Can We Talk About Covid?
A friendly space to process the pandemic.
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COVID Stories
In which our storyteller encourages supporting local businesses and ponders hexing Maga republicans.
Have ya’ll gotten your Fall 2023 Covid boosters and Flu shots?
In this one, our storyteller puts on literal physical masks only to slip off the figurative masks she’s used for years to camouflage in social interactions.
In this reader-submitted story, our storyteller reminisces about her first socially-distanced outdoor hang.
On April 23rd, 2020, US President and sex pest Donald Trump shambled up to the podium at the White House briefing room and suggested we ingest bleach to combat COVID.
In this story, our storyteller routinely flashes the neighbors as part of her new grocery-restocking routine.
In this one, our storyteller describes Halloween 2020 and the invention of PVC candy tube slides.